
Entertaining Relocation-Themed Movies To Watch For Your Next Move

Typically, moving to a new place might be a first-time experience for some people, including you. And while you might have a previous relocation experience, you perhaps don’t know what to do because your parents were the ones responsible for the logistics. Thus, if you don’t know where and how to begin the moving process, it might be best to watch a few movies that tackle the concept of relocation. By watching these movies, you’ll get some insights for your move while entertaining yourself.

Below are the entertaining relocation-themed movies you can watch for your next move:

1. Paraiso

It’s a Mexican movie launched in 2013 which tackles the life of a couple who live in a middle-class suburban area in Naucalpan, State of Mexico. Portrayed as Carmen and Alfredo, this couple tends to have a stable relationship as they can quickly get along with their family, friends, and relatives near them.

However, an opportunity for professional advancement forces the couple to relocate to the Federal District or the Mexico City proper, which is known for its noisy and stressful surroundings. Not only that but the relationships surrounding them in the new location are cold and not to mention the competition of major cities. Because of these unfortunate circumstances, Carmen and Alfredo find it hard to deal with the changes brought about by moving.

2. Max Keeble’s Big Move

It’s a 2001 movie that shows how a 7th-grade class student reacts to the idea that he’s moving. After learning that his family is relocating to a new place, Max Keeble has decided to plot revenge by initiating chaos in school. He created some pranks against other students involving frogs, a full marching band, and even food fights. With the mess he created, he still has to face the consequences of his actions, even if he’s moving.

Therefore, if you’re moving to a new city like Manhattan with your kids, you can watch this entertaining movie to give you an idea of what to expect when you tell them about the move. But, if you think it’s best to pay attention to your kids’ behaviors throughout the transition, you can hire reliable movers near Manhattan to help you pull off a successful relocation.

3. Cheaper By The Dozen

Launched in 2003 in theaters, Cheaper By The Dozen is a movie about a couple who moves with their 12 children to a new place. Portrayed as Tom And Kate Baker, the couple resides in a small town in Illinois where Tom is working as a coach for a local college football team. Because of their big family, their day-to-day life is filled with both love and chaos. Their lives changed when his dream-coaching job at a university was offered to him. As such, he and Kate decided to relocate the family, but their 12 children were displeased of the decision.

While they’re making adjustments to their new home, Kate learns about the publication of her memoirs in which she has to go to New York to advertise her book. As a result, Tom is left alone in their house, managing a hectic and unhappy household along with his job. Due to the complications experienced by the family, the Bakers finally choose to love and be contented with what they have.

With this kind of movie, you’ll realize how challenging to execute a family move. There are a lot of adjustments to make and things to consider for you, your spouse, and your children.

4. Moving

It’s a 1988 comedy film about moving. Portrayed by Richard Pryor as Arlo, this movie tackles all sorts of problems associated with relocation. As he moves from New Jersey to Idaho, Arlo and his family have to deal with the issues caused by his move. One of the problems in this film is his inability to work with a licensed and insured moving company who can safely move his stuff to his new home.

So, if you’re moving soon, watching this entertaining movie can help you plan your move very well. Unlike Arlo in the film, you can always hire reliable professionals like piano movers who can transport your things such as electronic appliances, furniture, and even a piece of piano equipment, if you have any.


Whether it’s your first-time or second time, moving will always be a life-changing event for you and your family. And since it’s real-life experience, it’s no doubt that the struggles involved in moving are also featured in films.

Therefore, if you’re worried about your move, take a deep breath, and keep yourself entertained by watching a few of the movies mentioned above. Doing so will undeniably help you reduce the stress of moving.

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Entertaining Relocation-Themed Movies To Watch For Your Next Move Entertaining Relocation-Themed Movies To Watch For Your Next Move Reviewed by news100 on 5:46 PM Rating: 5

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