
Main Zaroor Aaunga

Main Zaroor Aaunga
The story revolves around a rich business Yash running a successful business in Switzerland.He falls for a gorgeous Model and soon they are married.While husband showers and pampers his wife with all the love and riches and is keen to start a family, little does he realise that they are not on the same page. The model is an ambitious woman willing to sacrifice love and family for her career. His world comes crumbling down when he spots his wife cheating on him. What follows is a chilling narrative of betrayel after betrayel that forces the husband to not take it any more. He seeks his revenge but destiny has something else in store for him. In a dramatic turn of events Yash is killed and buried alive by his wife alongwith her boyfriend. After killing Yash as they eye his properties and plan a clean exit they are caught in a web of haunting spectacles. Yash had promised to come back sseeking his revenge. Main Zaroor Aaunga’s narrative will keep the audience glued to their seats. The film unlike typical horror film does not seek to scare with gory scenes instead creates chill against the cold snowy backdrop. It is pleasing to the eyes with beautiful scenes but at the same time they will be on their edge of the seat as the story unfolds
Main Zaroor Aaunga Main Zaroor Aaunga Reviewed by news100 on 7:33 PM Rating: 5

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