
How to distribute an independent movie?

Movie-List Blog
How to distribute an independent movie?

Filmmakers invest so much effort in production that they often do not care about distribution until the film is finished. Some filmmakers believe that if they make a good movie, the distribution will resolve itself. However, getting distribution is sometimes more difficult than raising funds and producing the film.


We suggest following the following rules to maximize the potential of the film to be distributed:


1. No previous views: It is best not to show your film to distributors until it is finished. The executives may beg you to see a first cut and they can assure you: “Do not worry, we are professionals, we can imagine how you will see the film with sound and titles”. Do not believe them. Most people are unable to extrapolate. They will watch your movie without finishing and they will perceive it as unprofessional. First impressions are lasting. You can click here


2. Show them in front of public: It is usually better to invite executives to a special role than sending them the DVD. If you send a DVD to a busy executive, he will put it on his television and pause it as soon as the phone rings. Then he will see her for a few more minutes until his secretary interrupts him again. After several distractions, you may decide that your movie is “too hectic” (or something similar).


The ideal is for the executive to see the film in a dark room, away from distractions and surrounded by an audience – hopefully, an audience that likes your movie. The best thing is to rent a suitable space for the function, invite all the executives that are necessary and fill the rest of the room with friends and family. If the film is well received, your position for the negotiation will benefit. Rent a place large enough to fit all attendees, but not so large that there are too many seats left empty. If you dont have enough money to rent, Cashfloat UK can help you. Filling the room with friends, family and team members is a good idea because they are more likely to respond positively. Upon leaving the function, write down the names (or collect the cards) of attendees to keep track of the distribution companies have seen the movie.


3. Dont take the premiere in light festivals: Plan your festival strategy carefully. Some filmmakers give their premiere to minor festivals and are disqualified from participating in more significant festivals. You can participate in small festivals later. If you are rejected by an important festival, the worst thing that can happen is that you delay your distribution plan some months. Nobody finds out which festivals did not accept your movie unless you tell them.


4. Moment is the key: You must sell your movie when buyers are hungry for product. Companies that buy films for international distribution plan their activities around a market calendar. The most important markets are: 1) AFM in the fall in Santa Monica, California, 2) Berlin in February, in Germany, 3) Cannes in May, in France. There are also television markets such as NATPE in the United States and MIP and MIP-COM in France.


Hopefully with the 4 tips above you can understand the distribution of films better.

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